
  •  I don't actually use Frets myself yet, just burn the stripes directly into the fingerboard. Oddly enough, i've just realized the freedom not having actual frets give me by burning the full chromatic scale on the fingerboard and the diatonic one directly on the side of the neck for an easy visual-my hope is that I can learn the 'Do Re Mi' using the neck and then branch out into the chromatic afterwards, then try my hand at actual fret material once i've got the gist of it...

      The first two of these builds were 50cm even( I use metric so I can perform my fret spacings using the 'multiply by 0.9439' metod I blatantly lifted from Uncl Crow) where my next build after that was 42cm(mini-guitar for a six-year old) and i've honestly noticed no difference whatsoever in my (abyssmal) playing style on either length...

  • I used Chickenbones scale for one i just made ,,,   it fits just perfectly  ,, course i busted my smaller box ,, but nonethless ,, it worked great ,, sounds really good unplugged ,, and cooked plugged up

  • I build 15" or maybe 17".  I like the way it looks relative to the cigar box size, and I have smaller hands and come from mandolins and fiddles.

    Have you found this group?

  • I use 22 1/2 inch scale, and built lots of them on this scale, it works well for me.

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