NINE Buggy videos for you to miss ...( and going up!)

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Rhode Mic test via line pod 6 - bugs homemade low cost art box dulcimer, with washer sound hole covers and dulcimer fretting Mahogany neck.Video 2 :Chain gang blues 3: Shake Rattle and Roll: 4 Shake that thing (Acoustically): 5 Cigarbox guitar video crimes: 6 :Voodoo child 7 The buggy moan: 8: Subteranean Homesick Bug 9 Bad to the bone: :

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  • Thanks James...this seems to keep increasing....last few are kind of my new recording sound

  • sounds great mr bug !!!

  • nice bug...crisp sounding

  • Happy sounds and mild misogyny.  

  • Haha like most people then...
    It passes the time...
  • ...the continuing adventures of the travelling salesman..?  ;-)

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