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Worst Enemy ..a journey

Views: 133
I played this song by the Baseboard Heaters at the Shindig, it means whatever you want to do, get out there and do it - don't listen to your "worst enemy" !All vocals, drums and guitars Slowpaw Steve TPLAY LOUD!!Electronic Drums - Roland TD-12Guitar - Rum Punch,recorded on Audacity through Line 6 Micro amp.Steve Trowbridge July 2011Available in 24 bit mono on new "Slowpaw Blues" CD, PM me for details! (-:

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  • cool drive cool song


  • many thanks Steve, Tony and Be, more live stuff of course i hope! next in the diary is Boxstock, hope they will allow me off my lead to do a new tune or two there...(-;
  • nice, and  you got out there and did it, well done!!! Are you going to do more live stuff now?
  • he John i didn't risk getting pulled for DWDCandA..motorways have cameras too (-;

    my little camera was clipped onto the dashboard using a small clamp,  spent days testing and sorting it out.  Every now and then just pressed the recording button, nothing more invasive than a satnav.  Cramming a four hour journey and twenty minutes of footage into three minutes was a challenge, though! Glad you like it (-:

  • This is really good. Sounds great. The playing and vocals are all super.

    I have one concern though. You say that all the playing is done by you but you don't say who did the filming and the driving on the video. From what I have seen it looks as if the camera is on the right hand side of the car. You weren't filming that and driving at the same time were you? Tell me you weren't.

    Next you will be saying that you played the guitar and sang at the same time as filming and driving. I know you're talented, but that would be pushing it a bit far.

    Great video.

  • thanks Dave, ED and Uncle John, though very tempted to try a "dirty stomper" next time, the guys' stuff still ringing in my ears from the weekend..!!! (-; 
  • Nice one Steve
  • Great job.  I really like your playing and vocal style.  Very enjoyable.
  • Yep on what Wes said, sooo nice and easy.  I like it too.
  • cheers guys, though Brian i've no ambition to be the next HB or CBJ...!!! (-; 
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