thanks Derek,Steve and RIchard for the nice comments. Richard I couldn't swear to it that she didn't head to California if you see her kidnap the dog and return him home
Thanks everyone for the comments, Brian Q I think I spent a couple of hours in time out after that one. The poor guy in that song could not get a break his woman took the dog and the RV and left him and then the river went dry and someone cut down the shade tree.
Excellent performance,really workin dat slide like you mean it.That damn dog anyways...
Thanks Nancy Kat looks like that kitty is really belting out the blues. I could have used a backup singer
Way to belt out those blues Danny!!!!! Really getting that groove down awesome! Meowww^..^
thanks Derek,Steve and RIchard for the nice comments. Richard I couldn't swear to it that she didn't head to California if you see her kidnap the dog and return him home
10 x better Danny! Played and sung like you lived it :)
Delivered as promised Danny! She isn’t heading to California is she! Heart and soul playing and singing says it all!
Thanks everyone for the comments, Brian Q I think I spent a couple of hours in time out after that one. The poor guy in that song could not get a break his woman took the dog and the RV and left him and then the river went dry and someone cut down the shade tree.
Some nasty blues there Danny (nasty in a good way!) :D
It’s go so much attitude we might have to put you on s time out ;)
Yas, sir. That is growly good, real as a heartache and just plain the blues.