Where did all the whales go to

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Black Cohiba CBG....A fifth sperm whale has washed up on the east coast of England...they took a wrong turn from the Atlantic into the shallow North Sea...12 other whales were washed up on the Wadden Islands archipelago off the coast of Germany and the Netherlands earlier this month...Sperm whale strandings in UK waters remained steady at one a year during the 20th century but suddenly leapt to about seven a year in the 1980s.....These sperm whale strandings are the worst off the English coast since records began in 1913.....“If there was a massive naval exercise off the coast of Norfolk at the weekend I would be hugely suspicious but as far as I can tell, that’s not the case."..there was little in their intestines apart from a few squid beaks, suggesting the whales were hungry and dehydrated....Noise from underwater bombs caused 19 pilot whales to beach and die off the coast of Scotland in 2011, say government scientists...that the noise from the explosions could have damaged the hearing and navigational abilities of the whales, causing them to beach and die...On 22 July 2011, 70 long-finned pilot whales swam into the Kyle of Durness, a shallow tidal inlet...39 were left stranded by the tide..

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  • Thanks f9r sharing the info bug.

  • Thanks James Glad to see your back and have new valves..

  • sad subject matter,  sounding excellent mr bug !!!

  • Thanks Guys Thanks Nancy Kat
    Kinda scary as to what's going wrong?
  • 306525361?profile=original

  • Yup excellent reminder Buggy also  Whales are victims of still being hunted in 2016 !!! In the 70s we all joined Green Peace to try to stop it still belong to this day even adopted a whale named CatsPaw awhile back.And yes all the Bstuff that goes on in the Ocean unreal! Meow^..^306526552?profile=original

  • Very sad. Thanks for the information.

  • Sad one Buggy.  Just right for getting the message across.  

  • To have a massive naval exercise you need a massive navy, so there's no chance of that happening.  Let's just hope that they don't decided to blow the carcasses up with dynamite.  What could possibly go wrong with that ?


  • 306523631?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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