Wade's MacGuyver style sound hole building secret!!!

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  • Nicely done Wade!
  • I'd like to see how far builders could take this basic idea and run with it. I was thinking that you may even be able to screw the cap back on underneath to attach it. Maybe even carve it? Who knows ? No Rules!

  • Aw man, I just ordered a dozen from CB Gitty! Oh well, he'll still get my fretwire and econo tuner business. Great idea Wade. Thanks!

  • Twine cuts plastic well
  • YES YES YES...HELL YES!!!!  This is what it's all about!  Find new and innovative ways to make due with what ya got.  Great tip! 

  • Cutting these by hand works best. If you cut too fast the plastic melts. I hope you guys post your results. I know you'll find a way to make this idea your own style.

  • Thanks Kid - My next project is to make a pickup entirely out of duct tape!

  • oh I am so using this idea... thanks for the tip

  • Ah, If only we could apply ur genius to the bits that guitars actually need! :D
    Great stuff champ
  • Better send be apology to Ben you put him out business great ideas like that and my wife going mad when she sees all the holes in the screens
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