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Milk plastic hardness demo...

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  • k...mine is pretty dry...about three weeks into the process.  I didn't get a chance to cut it up today.  I'll try and do that and post pics.  
    I've kept mine on the kitchen widow sill so that might have helped it dry a little faster.
  • Rolled the black one out to `1/8" thick, about right for punching out fingerboard dots with a 1/4" plug cutter with minimal waste.  It would have warped less if it was thicker.  Still waiting (one week so far) for either chunk to dry enough to be workable.
  • Wow...I don't think that mine warped that much.  Nice color on the interior though.  I bet you could take white (no color) and mix it with red and get tortoise shell.
  • 305738952?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Experiments with dye added before vinegar.  Interesting how much this stuff warps as it dries, almost like a taco shell.
  • Shouldn't drink milk and eat pickles.  Shit man, is that why I am so constipated????
  • Go onto EBay and search for casein buttons.  The colors and variety of the vintage stuff is mind-boggling.  Looks like you can add dye into the plastic before it hardens.  Why limit yourself to white or black inlay?
  • "Does this mean that you shouldn't eat pickles and drink milk at the same time? ;)"


    I guess it could explain the constipation....

  • Does this mean that you shouldn't eat pickles and drink milk at the same time? ;)
  • Cool!! Vinegar and steel wool can be used as a wood stain too.
  • It's a simple recipe for basic school glue. Add some temp and some baking soda and you get closer to Super Science Saturday.
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