Unkind Woman - my favorite Uncle John song!

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My absolute favorite song written by Uncle John. Original is here: http://www.cigarboxnation.com/video/she-treats-me-unkindThis strum is what's killing my nails. Striking the top of the nail on the strings to get a snare sound.Here's another version done by Bug and Clock. http://www.cigarboxnation.com/video/pocketful-of-empty-clean-mix

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  • The young woman who did mine has a boyfriend who plays guitar, but with a pick.  At least she understood most of what I wanted and why.

  • Funny Eric! My clawhammer buddy goes to the Asian nail salon to get one fingernail put on and shaped. The way he tells it, the Oriental lady just doesn't understand and keeps asking 'You no want more fingers?" He says he explained but she didn't seem to get it.

  • Oh, and I went to a nail salon today and had 3 fakies put on.  I had to shape them up to play guitar vs just looking glamorous, but otherwise they are great.  They play really well.

  • Thanks Uncle John!

    I don't know how I came up with this except I was searching for something different than the shuffle strum.  I ended up getting this hammer on and pull off clawhammer kinda thing that I really like the sound of.  It is a beautiful thing when you don't know how to do anything the right way.

  • Dang, once again I like yours better than mine.   Funnier by far too.   Actually it makes me proud.  

    This style of singing or talking blues really suits you and is pleasing, real and funny here.   The playing is really nice too.  Kind of a clawhammer or offshoot.  I am trying to learn clawhammer too.   Hey, Jim Morris put a finger pick on his down strum hammer finger due to a sore finger. It is in one  of his recent vids- or just ask him.

  • Thanks Maddog.  :)  Jim, I can't wait to hear your song.  There are a lot of great ones to choose from.

  • Yeah, I like that idea to pick an Unc original. I'll have to go listen and find one you haven't done!

  • Yup, you gotta be careful about that stuff. Thanks for the friend request - I thought we'd done that already!

  • Nice Eric!


  • Thanks Clock.  I am lucky that my wife has a good sense of humor and appreciates the song.

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