Too much monkey business - This weeks Dave and Buggy show!

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Bug's band practise all one of me - Low C harpA slightly faster mix: to and fro,Hard working at the mill,Never failed at the mill,There come a rotten bill.Aw too much monkey business,Too much monkey business,Too much monkey businessFor me to be involved again.Salesman talking to me,Trying to run me up a creek,Says you can buy it, go on try it,You can pay me next week.Aw too much monkey business,Too much monkey business,Too much monkey businessFor me to be involved again.Blonde hair, good-looking,Trying to get me hooked and marriedGet a home, settle down by the book.Too much monkey business,Too much monkey business,Too much monkey businessFor me to be involved again.Been to Yokohama, baby,Fighting in the war,Army bunk, army chow,Army clothes, army car.Too much…How it should go:

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  • Thanks nancy, Yeh what ever happened to Wolfie?

  • 3548422351?profile=RESIZE_710xHa funny stuff and oh that harp!!! Love it!! Remember this one it reminds me of Wolfie his Monkey song I sang it for days lol Meowoww^..^

  • Big chimp :D

  • Love that growl of the low C harp. Buggy best yet! Chimps o riffic. 

  • try this lesson i found it helped me

    I have a low C lee oskar but mine does not play right, does yours?

  • Great tune Buggy. I really like that low C harp. I have a Lee Oskar in Low F that I need to play more.

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