Tips and hacks for builders

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This is my thank you to cigar box nation for all the stuff I've learned. This is my way to give back a little.

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  • Great tips. Thank you for sharing.

  • Glad I can help a bit. I like making tools and jigs to do jobs.

    As I was looking through the CBGitty site today I noticed They have a center ruler too.

  • That 90 degree drill problem is my personal nightmare. No matter how much I consciously make an effort to do it straight I just never can. You just gave me a way of solving the issue so thanks so much. I honestly thought I was doomed to buying a drill press. Thanks again and I hope you're rewarded for your generosity with a hundred orders.

  • The fret cut off block is a great idea, and I plan to use it on my upcoming builds. Thanks for sharing a simple and effective time saving technique.
  • Nice git and love the yardstick fret board.  Oh that center idea is good.  I struggle with that.  And err.   Yes, you have learned a lot.   I could use more of that precision stuff.   

  • Groovy!

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