Tiny Bathroom Concerts Fred Eaglesmith's Maggie and Me on the Ikea soap dish resonator CBG

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  • Really Nice Playing and Singing.!!

  • Well done!

  • excellent !!!

  • Thanks for all the info.  Good on you for making that git.

  • Thanks everybody....you folks are extremely nice!!!
    The CBG was built buy me....my first. Hopefully not last...setting up a place to build as I type...
    Here is the Link for photos
    As far as the song and Frd Eaglesmith....highly recommend Fred's works...especially his songs...they are well suited for CBG realm.
    Fred Eaglesmith could be one of the best and most prolific songwriters of mine time....I don't say that lightly.
    A massive body of work and a touring schedule for the last 25 years that would make any hardcore musician had his hat and move to a different line of work.
    Fred co-wrote Love and a Fourty Five with Chris Knight.
    Once you get on the Fred train, it's hard to get off. I have followed him for 17 years now.
    Take a step into Fredhead-Dom, see a live show or two and you will get it.
    Check out his CDs....9 Volts, Drive-in-movie, lipstick lies and gasoline...those are good starts.
    Some CDs are out there....don't lose focus...see the live shows.
    Thanks again for all y'all's killers comments.
  • bravo, belle voix, et guitare tradition folk

  • Good performance. Would like to see some pictures of this guitar.

  • Thanks to you for prompting me to check out Fred Eaglesmith.   He has some good stuff.   Also on youtube, I found you doing a good version of you playing a store-bought and playing his 'Pontiac,'


    Hope to hear more from you.  Oh, curious.  Who made that cbg?

  • Excellent.  Great song, playing and heart felt singing.    Love that song and the story.    Remind me of the great Chris Knight.   This hits me the best of any vid for the last couple weeks.

  • see that's a song..:) nicely done man!

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