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The Magic Diddley Bow

Views: 322
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  • destiny bow. destiny.
  • ahh, but is it Gods work, or something more sinister? you hear it playing in the middle of the night-aaaarrrgghh!
  • i through together a demo if you wanna hear it
  • Yea. I'm not sure why, but i've tried uploading it 3 or 4 times now and it hasn't been working. i'm not sure why.
    it's kind of disappointing.
  • hey thanks for all the comments guys.
    i've been trying to upload another video that's been ready for a couple days now, but my computer was having trouble uploading it. I'm not sure why, but i'll try again.
  • Putting the frets on the side is what makes my guitars unique. But if you can play by ear, without frets, or by using the natural imperfections in the wood, it's much more impressive!

    GOD is in the neck of your diddly bow, Nick! But...I wanted to hear you PLAY IT!!!!
  • You know, this would be great to do slide on. Go get you a 2" section of copper tube from the hardware store and let'er rip.
  • ,,,nutty....great work...lets hear it
  • o yea. Knots
    thanks for correcting me.
    i'll post a vid of me playing for those of you who want to hear.
  • Take my word it's perfect the way it is , just play, play, play and try another maybe a 3 string.
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