Shane, this vid inspired me to make my own style diddey out of a small box and scraps. I liked it and made another, the 2nd one needs a bit of finishing up. Maybe today.
I have never learned to play a diddley to please me much. Holy shit. This is the kind of stuff I ought to learn just to show off a diddley. Kind of hard to just let the dogs out like you do. Thanks, man. Not sure I will get it done soon. Time or lack of and I love my 3 string. Maybe.....
This was a tough concept to develop. I wanted to make a video using absolutely no music theory. I just wanted to create a lesson where the person had to use their ear to get the song.
Shane, this vid inspired me to make my own style diddey out of a small box and scraps. I liked it and made another, the 2nd one needs a bit of finishing up. Maybe today.
I have never learned to play a diddley to please me much. Holy shit. This is the kind of stuff I ought to learn just to show off a diddley. Kind of hard to just let the dogs out like you do. Thanks, man. Not sure I will get it done soon. Time or lack of and I love my 3 string. Maybe.....
Thanks Shane I watch your vids and Keni's good stuff. Bug 10 minute Bow. Everyone has some. Its not a box but works great.
I almost skipped this one as too basic. Man, glad I saw the vid. Really good stuff. I too often over complicate things.
This was a tough concept to develop. I wanted to make a video using absolutely no music theory. I just wanted to create a lesson where the person had to use their ear to get the song.
Does it work?
the magic Blues note : -)
Very nice DBow and clear explanations...but "only" talent here...°<[:-) [---]==={...