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Get Embed Code GAMBLER – LIVE LOOPING WITH 3 STRING CIGAR BOX GUITARThis is from a few weeks ago in Huntingdon. It’s a very old song from 2011, but I recently started playing it quite differently…LYRICSWell know I’ve had some good times,but they never last that long.Climbed to the top of the mountainsand I learned to sing my song.CHORUSDays are lining up in front of me,I knock them over one by one.The stakes are getting higher.Like a gambler I can’t stop.The ride is slowing down nowand my feet are getting cold.Don’t wanna go to that place againwhere lives are bought and sold.CHORUSBabadada badada da da etcI’m going round in circles.Yeah I’ve seen it all before,but if you turn your painting over,well you might see something more.CHORUS

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  • thanks a lot Poorness

  • LOVE IT! A well-written song and a fine performance. Always good to see homemade instruments on the street getting used.
  • thanks John, yes I like to keep changing how I play things. Keeps it fun for me :-)

  • Thanks Doug, no a much calmer day :-)

  • Ah, this groove and beat suits the song,  Nice to have two options for it.  Sounding great, Belinda.  Thanks for the lyrics.  Have a good autumn.

  • Nice mellow groove and vocals going Belinda! Easy listening to a reflective song. Well done, as always. No wind for this one!!!

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