The Circle Unbroken by A.P. Carter

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I was standing by my window,On one cold and cloudy dayWhen I saw that hearse come rollingFor to carry my mother awayWill the circle be unbrokenBy and by, Lord, by and byThere's a better home a-waitingIn the sky, Lord, in the skyI said to that undertakerUndertaker please drive slowFor this lady you are carryingLord, I hate to see here goI went back home, my home was lonesomeMissed my mother, she was goneAll of my brothers, sisters cryingWhat a home so sad and loneWill the circle be unbrokenBy and by, Lord, by and byThere's a better home a-waitingIn the sky, Lord, in the sky

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  • RTZ, it's similar!

  • G                       C               G
    Delta Dawn what's that flower you have on
    Could it be a faded rose from days gone by
        G                           C                  G
    And did I hear you say he was a meeting you here today
                       D7             C
    To take you to his mansion in the sky

    G                       C                     G
    She's forty-one and her daddy still calls her baby
                         C                     G
    All the folks around Brownsville say she's crazy
              C                        Am       D7     G
    Cause she walks around town with a suitcase in her hand
                  C                      G
    Looking for a mysterious dark haired man

  •  C                G
    In her younger days they called her Delta Dawn
                        C              G
    Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on
           C                              G
    Then a man of low degree stood by her side
                          C                G
    And promised her he'd take her for his bride

    Repeat #1

  • Thanks RTZ.   You got me wondering if that line is in Delta Dawn.

  • Not only are you getting better you keep the Nation grounded with these song of Faith. I need that from time to time. Thanks and I look forward to hear more!!!!!!!!!   in the sky lord in the sky. isn't that a line from Delta Dawn?

  • We thank you, Steve.

  • John and Linda your performances are really becoming much tighter - brilliant! (-:

  • Thanks Maddog.  Thanks Owl ~ I know you like harp.   Thanks Vinyl ~ interesting about A P Carter.   Thanks Jason and Calim.    Thanks Nancy ~ some pets should go to Heaven.   Thanks Anders.   

    Thanks Joel - I understand what you are saying.  

  •   I like the switch up on vocals and the harp melody .  Good complete song !!    ...... and a real downer ... I mean that in the best way possible !!!  

  • Oldie but Goodie!! Really nice one uj & lindylou reminds me of my dad thanks! Meowwwwww ^^305904686?profile=original

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