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  • I have to comment on this tepot again, this is just a really Cool Song, Uncle John, Good One!!!!!!!!

  • Reminds me of the George Thorogood version. ha ha ha you would think you would hear some lonesome George on the nation. Take care John.

  • That sounds dark too John.....mayybe shoulda been another "Boiler Room" number!  ;-}

    Hey....what did you have to promise Linda to let you outa there?!

    Best rendition of that song I've ever heard!

  • Very nicely done, serious teapot blues.

  • Thanks, Paul.   Doing the traditional version for kids?!   Terrifying!

  • Funky teapot UJ... My children 'volunteered' me to go on stage and perform this number on our summer holiday a few years back... I'm still tremblin'!!!  

  • Thank you nursery rhyme fans.   This is how my momma sang it.  

  • he he nice one UJ ! (-:

  • distortion, from uncle john, i like it !!!    great job on this !!!

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