Swerving The Fretless

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Springtime! Marking my patio territory with Swampy and The DMR Nationwide Lap.

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  • Love the hard sound, you rock!

  • Thanks Danny, appreciate it!


  • Thank you very much Bob! Now I have a big grin. I’ll make sure you get a large popcorn and a tall one next time! I guess I could call the light show a three ring circus ha!

  • Thanks Jerry! Looks like you have some fun projects awaiting you. Time...never enough time.

  • Excellent Rich.  Feels like I've just spent 3.29 mins in a concert tent! Enjoyable grinon face while typing this.

  • Richard, I bought the chinese Gibby kit a strat kit buddy, and never built either.,.,I have a pile of unfinished projects,.,son's guitar fell over and I just finished gluing the headstock back on.,.I'll be building again before long.,.,

  • Thanks Derek! Sliding away on a rocking beach.

  • Intense grit Richard! Sounds like California Jam reborn. Kick A rockin' ;) 

  • Thanks A.D! I procrastinate with the best of them! I must finish that guitar kit, we have Chinese guitar kit collabing to do! 

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