Swamp witch guitar retro silverball

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Sorry . i garbled the recording so background is not this guitar . i used my zombiedanze track instead.retro pinball theme ,lights , built in amp ,external patchcord, mojo, and fun.COULDA BEEN YOURS .GET YOURS HEREhttps://swampwitchguitars.weebly.com

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  • Thanx Bud ;-)

  • Cool Beans my Friend!!!

  • Thanx for the kind words gents ;-)

  • As always, your creations and creativity blow the lid off standard guitars Pick! Glad to see the assembly line is still producing quality Swampys.

  • Nice Easter colors! ;^) 

    That deaf, dumb and blind kid...

    Very coolio

  • Thanx AGP , Yeah, used a dollar store St Patricks day lighted  necklace  for the lights ;-)

  • "Colourful Little Critter", and as usual a lot going on with the Electronics.   :-)

  • cheers gents ;-)

  • great sounding git

  • I bet that is FUN to play and hear.  Very good colors and look. I like the headstock too.     

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