Swamp Witch. Fish-Fishing-Fished-Fishy

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Fish eyes point of view. Whaling Witch, Wavy elec. piano, a rythem to the beat.

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  • Thanks James, I just got in myself last night! Always appreciate your comments!

  • Nice video and playing Richard I got login these time Swamy good stuff Man

  • Thanks Nancy! A mermaid, a cat, and a witch go into a bar! Nice photo Nancy, you got all components in that one. What happens in the bar, stays in the bar!
  • Thanks Derek! Pink Floyd comparison always welcome, your way too kind!
  • 306706800?profile=originalAhhhh Seawitchery.....Beguiling Richard indeedie!!! Meowwwww^..^

  • Great sounding guitar tracks Richard. Pink Floydish riddums sound cool too.

  • Thank you AGP!  A fish and a witch go into a bar! Let’s go fishin, sending you some Australian sardines that got lost here off the coast of California! 306707500?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thank you Erasmo! Made to order fresh and canned within weeks right off the wharf down the alley to the back!306707760?profile=original

  • "Swampy's sounding Mighty Fine!  :-)

  • SJ, putting a hook on the end of a witch can be quite dangerous! In the famous words of Uncle, you must be koi! Speaking of biting, I’m sending the latest and newly improved,  you can  sink your teeth into mouth fresh peppermint sardine gum, a whole case! Thanks Jim, always appreciate your input and comments!

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