Summertime blues video

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Summer time blues on my 1948 license plate guitar. Video by my friend Richard Sundberg

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  • Nice playing on this classic.

  • Thanks for all the comments, yes I’m an old rocker...... but you can teach an old dog new tricks .   More music this year and more building!

  • yup
  • Nice! The Ramones would love it. I did!

  • "Great Take on an Old Classic Dennis", well done, goes to show that "Older Guys Can Still Rock"


  • Smokin’

  • Dennis, you sound like a PUNK ROCKER!!   An I LIKES it.  Now I am awake and ready for a winter morning.  Good and fast play and nice summer warm tone.  48 was a good year.

  • That LPG looks good on you Dennis! That’s some great Rockin your laying down my friend!

  • Amped up for 2019! Good one Boyz. Happy New Year! 

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