"Summers Last Hurrah" on a CBG

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Playing a jaunty improve picking piece with the last few rays of summer shinning through window :-)

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  • Trouble is importing to the UK from the USA means import duty and that's a real bummer :-( I had to pay and extra £60 for my Mike Snowden import, which was quite a lump on top of the original purchase price :-(
  • I hear ya on the Anders style of play. You wouldn't regret getting a Witch.

  • To SlowHound, I love Anders music but it's hard for me to play finger style on my set up as I have thick strings (DAD, low D is 0.32, middle A is 0.24 and high D is 0.16) with a highish tension on so this helps me play slide better and cleaner. Perhaps I should invest in another CBG with a different set up like a Swamp Witch for Instance lol
  • Many thanks as always SlowHound, Maddog, Clock, James & Wes for your feedback, it's very much appriciated :-)
  • Our first really chilly day hear. Raining too. I do love the fall though. I hear a little bit of Anders being channeled in this one. Great sound and playing.

  • I like it B.B., I do rather like winter though. I'm an ice fisherman:-)

  • ¬_¬ gooooood...

  • sounds great !!!       summer gone? outstanding!!! good riddance i say !!! so long stifling, life depriving, suffocating , heat and humidity. that's my take on summer here in Alabama usa, im sure its completely different where you are

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