Stomp Box Prototypes Posted by Silverback on February 5, 2012 at 11:30am Views: 119 1 Get Embed Code <iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> Tags: cigar, NJ, plate, license, box Stomp box prototype tests. NJ license plate & cigar box.A bit rusty playing. Notice I can't stomp when the music gets faster ;) You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments! Join Cigar Box Nation Comments darren brown February 6, 2012 at 3:53pm good one . Phill Hill Charlie February 5, 2012 at 3:33pm Very John, i can't do more than one thing at the same time..°<[:-) [---]==={ Roadkill a.k.a. John Maw February 5, 2012 at 12:07pm Nice stomp boxes. I like your playing too. I can't do more than one thing at once so I sympathise with the fact that the stomp box playing lapsed a bit when the playing got a bit harder. All sounding good though. This reply was deleted. E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow
good one .
Very John, i can't do more than one thing at the same time..°<[:-) [---]==={
Nice stomp boxes. I like your playing too. I can't do more than one thing at once so I sympathise with the fact that the stomp box playing lapsed a bit when the playing got a bit harder. All sounding good though.