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Stomp box / beat box

Views: 217
Sorry for the condecending tone of the video - I did it to put on Ebay to sell, not for on here, but think Im keeping it now anyway :o)

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  • Gugug, since I made this one iv made others and just put a couple of those little rubber feet you find on amps etc in the back 2 corners - it gives the box a slope like you say, and stops it slipping away as you tap it.
    I already sent Railroaddon an answer, but for anyone else who wants a go, i put a piezo in mine, encased in wood, then filled all the remaining space with foam from an old camping mat - cuts out all those echoes.
  • Cool idea. I will try to make of these too.
  • It shut the budgie up anyway! I was going to try making one to but cut it into a slight wedge shape for my food. Havent quite figured it out yet though
  • Good Idea, nice one
  • Thanks lads... so I guess Im keeping it afterall!
  • nice tapping beat bro , must get round to building one oneday
  • Like it ...Got to make my wife one so she can play along with me :-) I'd keep it ..... Cool
  • That's cool!! Keep it!
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