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!st Cbg Build Ye ha

Views: 88
here is thr front and back of my current CBG build , had to build my own box for this one , poplar with mirrored pieces

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  • I did not  think of that , John. Hmm Well thanks for the heads up :) I guess I was thinking the bridge and the nut would create enough clearance. If not I will have to try your method. I have already learned a lot in the process , mor of what I should have done rather than what I have. Its a fun project though. Thanks for the info

  • good advice guys...

  • Looks like a really nice bit of work joining those pieces together. You mentioned positioning the fretboard flush with the top of the box. I did that on my first one and found that I didn't have enough room for comfortable playing without constantly hitting the box. I had to raise the neck so that the join between the neck and the fretboard was level with the top of the box. It does mean cutting more into the neck, but I found it a lot nicer to play. All mine are made like that now. Of course it's personal, so what suits me may not be best for you. Just a thought.

    All the best.


  • Good start & good wishes.   Take your time on it. 

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