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Spinning reso cones at home

Views: 700
Longest video in the world! I wanted to run the whole process start to finish though so you know theres no big secrets in cone spinning, its pretty straight forward stuff. Just be careful!

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  • Thanks so much for this.  It really takes a lot of the mystery out of the how resonators are made.  Nice work!

  • Nice video!

  • well that was a cool vid rooster ,thanks.
  • Yup, you gotta have the chickens.

    If you cant find a real one, I suggest getting a a chicken type toy, or failing that, a chicken calander may suffice.

    Good luck!

  • I want to try this myself. I have a lathe, but no chickens. Are they ABSOLUTELY necessary?
  • Good on you Steve!
    They are great for practicing on, though useless as reso cones - they sound totally numb - but if you can spin aluminium foil, I reckon you can spin anything!
  • cool video... been lookin all over for vids on this. nice one, am headin down the pound shop to buy me some platters. :0)
  • Lol, thanks 'Banjo Ant'... though the re-using of the nails is to ensure that every single aspect of the CBG production process uses found / used / second hand materials, thus ensuring that maximum mojo is retained within :o)
  • genius. no other word for it ben. Personal highlight for me -
    "I reuse the nails of course" - Eco-warrior or just a northern/adopted-scot tightarse? You decide.
  • You would be amazed how a fastly spinning bit of metal can make you so much more careful DG.....
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