Sound Sample - AGP #388 - ''Mando Git Slider'' - Rollin' 'n' Tumblin' Blues - 20 May 2020

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A brief sound sample of AGP #388, “Mando Git Slide”, on a wet miserable day in Lockdown/Isolation, the first part is through my Micro-Cube, Clean Channel with Reverb on full, and the second part is through my Fender Mustang II, with lots of Crunchy Goodness! :-)

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  • "Thanks" for the compliments Dennis :-)
  • Alan what a beautiful build, simply awesome,and sounds super. What a talented builder!
  • "Thank You Rick", those are some mighty fine compliments, I could end up with a swelled head! O:-D
  • "Thanks Derek" :-)
    I haven't had the like button etc for over a month now :-(
  • "Thanx Pick", Gotta put the hat on backwards and play a bit of Crunchy Stuff every now and then, just to let the neighbours know the Covid Virus hasn't got me yet! :-D
  • Alan, you outdone yourself in every way! A beautiful build, unique sliding the mando, and a likable badass with a 180 hat adjustment. Great tones and playing! One of the best versions of Rollin n Tumblin I’ve heard! 8 string bliss!
  • Sorry Alan but my "REGAL"is made in the US of A, my Copper Dean is Made in Korea if thats the one you mean !oke Aiersi Never hear of that Name must be a special Ausi import then Ye !come think of it ,it looks more like those new type small size Nationals !
  • Good playing, nice looking and sounding mando! Like, but button no worky...
  • When da hat goes on backwards ,, yall know he means bidness ;-)
  • "Thanks Andries", no!, not a Regal by the door, it's an Aiersi Vintage Brass Finish Cutaway Electric Parlor Resonator Guitar with a Lipstick Mag Pickup, and like the Regal, it's also made in China. :-)
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