Sound Check CBU pick up install

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Kenny Wayne tests "Angel of the Eclipse" after installing an under saddle pickup! This build was completed 2 years ago but has returned to be made into a roc...

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  • If I hadn’t seen the ukulele in the video I’d have truly never believed it. Sounds so full and rich! With nylon strings too?! Wow. Awesome.

  • @Derek Rose Thanks, those are just standard nylon uke strings I have on there too! Of course, the action IS set to "Beast"! A shame that a lot of people discount the ukulele as a real instrument :(

  • Does have big sound

  • Thanks Dave and Uncle John! 

  • That’s a bad ass Ukeocaster! Sounds like a big dog!

  • Rich warm tone and playing.  Lots of mojo.  Not very uke-like!

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