Slow Rare BLUES Way Huge BCB A D Eker 2023

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On this track i do some Pedal exspirimenting whit the Aritreidies WAY HUGE pedal in some email Bomb Sex sites frustration about Identitie theft by unknown I...

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  • Thanks T belly ! glad to be worth it !

  • Some great effects. Tune isn`t my cup of tea but still worth a listen ;)

  • Thanks Doug ! just letting you fellors know whats out there , maybee try some yourselfs! it dont all needs to be DIY !!

  • Wow! You are the effects master A.D.!!! Making it happen.

  • Your Right Poorness !  there are not many like it, it took some time to fit it in the right place in the Pedal chain, but there is lots more room for exspirimentation , i heard it in combo whit the Moog and you shoed hear the bass it turns out dilightfull !

  • Nothing quite like an analog weirding module. Lol. Some sweet sounds in there AD. 

  • To Bad Alan !! must be deu to import isseu's, mine was only 199,= euro's its one off my cheapest pedals, but whit internet i tend to forget sometimes that australia /tasmania are on the other side of the world we live in, i see your point ,and the australian price is to steep for me aswell!!  thats the most  disapointing fact from our live style it consumes a lot of hard urned cash! 

  • Don't get me wrong A.D., I'm forever trying to get more Fuzz from my Amps & Pedals, and the "Way Huge Analogue Weirding Model" your using here, is by far the best I've ever heard, so much so that I just looked at them on Ebay etc, but decided that the Price of $329AUD + Postage was a little too much to pay for this "Tight Assed Aussie". 


  • Thanks Keith appriciated !

  • That Long ? AGP# ? and its over in a jippy ! cant help the name !! its there choice! its differend in every posseble way  HUGE !

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