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Views: 119

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  • Amen indeed!!!

    Thanks Rooster 

  • Amein Bro!!!

  • Thanks T-Head!!!

    WDVX !!!

  • Yeah, I thought those looked like some different shelves! I didn't think you're usually in "Sector B"

  • Thanks Jim and UJ.

    Yeah UJ better balance would do it . i am not in the usual spot in my warehouse studio.


  • Whew! I thought you were singin' about the 'shine we have here in WV but I knew better! Good song!

  • Grit-tee good.   I likes it.

      Get a hair cut and give us some more of that good stuff with the vocals a little louder in comparison to the geetar.  Soul man!

  • Thanks Carl!!

    Just heard this song yesterday

    Leon Bridges check him out!

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