Series Kazoo ~vs~ Parallel Kazoo

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Welcome back to Kazoo Fridays! This idea came directly from a comment on one of my previous videos. Today, I compare the tone of 3 kazoos in parallel to 3 kazoos in series. They actually sound quite a bit different.

Intro & Idea - 0:00
Today's Experiment - 0:56
Sound Comparison - 1:48
Summary - 2:09

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  • The parallel kazoo definitely sounds more full. The series kazoo has a subtle chorus effect though and I really like that. Either way... it's all fun. Thanks for checking it out Doug.

  • I prefer parallel Kale! Though series might be more comfortable to play. Another interesting and fun video.

  • The Kazoo king is back!

    I`m torn between the two to be honest but I`d like to hear 5 or 6 parallel using some kind of attachment so that you have one mouthpiece feeding several kazoos at once. There are plastic tube connectors used for fishing tanks that could possibly be used?


  • Ha ha. Not yet John.

  • Do you have any kazoo albums available?

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