Secrets to the 4-String Cigar Box Guitar with Justin Johnson

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  • Great work Justin ... I've always though it was just the open and on the 12th!
  • Thanks for all of the supportive comments you guys!  @ Paul David Smith: If you are using the top (highest pitched) four strings from a standard 6-string pack, you can get the same effect from tuning to an open D (low D-F#-A-D), or and open E (low E-G#-B-E).  You don't get as much low end, but these tunings are great for playing lead!

  •  Good stuff Justin. I've been using the top 4 strings on my builds, I'll have to change a couple to the middle four now and get more bass. Or I'll just have to build a new one. 

  • Justin, Great lesson.

  • diggin it just made a couple o vids with it thanx as always for furthering CBG306178895?profile=original

  • Good lesson and i like the A tuning

  • Your lessons are great! I really like your clear and simple approach. They have improved my playing quite a bit (I'm a struggling novice). I have a four string that was tuned GDGB and it was ok, but I like this A tuning better. seems more flexible.  This lesson has a LOT that I can work on. Thank you very much.

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  • Nice pickin man... I like the sound of that tuning..

    whats devil tuning for CBG?

  • Bravo!

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