Roll over Beethoven

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Band practise for one.. Bug's one man band strikes again.. 1000 miles per hour (1600 km/hr) just sitting still and then some!I'm gonna write a little letterGonna mail it to my local DJIt's a rockin' rhythm recordI want my jockey to playRoll over Beethoven, I gotta hear it again todayYou know, my temperature's risin'And the jukebox blows a fuseMy heart's beatin' rhythmAnd my soul keeps on singin' the bluesRoll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the newsI got the rockin' pneumonia,I need a shot of rhythm and bluesI think I'm rollin' arthritisSittin' down by the rhythm reviewRoll over Beethoven rockin' in two by twoWell, if you feel you like itGo get your lover, then reel and rock itRoll it over and move on up justA trifle further and reel and rock itRoll it overRoll over Beethoven rockin' in two by twoWell, early in the mornin' I'm a-givin' you a warnin'Don't you step on my blue suede shoesHey diddle diddle, I am playin' my fiddleAin't got nothin' to loseRoll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the newsYou know she wiggles like a glow wormDance like a spinnin' topShe got a crazy partnerOughta see 'em reel and rockLong as she got a dime the music will never stopRoll over BeethovenRoll over BeethovenRoll over BeethovenRoll over BeethovenRoll over Beethoven and dig these rhythm and bluesChuck Berry

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  • Thanks Nancy Kat and Derek

  • 306406478?profile=RESIZE_710xWow Buggy this was huge!!! Grrrrreat rockin' one!!! Meowwwww^..^

  • Fun version Buggy

  • Thanks guys, just having a bit of fun as have some down time, trying to perfect my shambles lol

  • The juggernaut rides again Buggy. Dancing in my chair. Thanks!

  • Didn't the Beatles do this song?   Be careful, man.  That harp might slap you up side of the head. 

  • Got me jumping like a June Bug on a hot side walk.  Thanks again for the lyrics.   Honking that poor harp!   You got you some good diction, Bug!  


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