Rocking out on cigar Box Dulcimer

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Playing Old Rock Songs on Cigar Box Dulcimer

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  • Thanks, Nancy Kat Rocking out on Dulcimer cool and fun 

  • Pretty darn cool James!!!~ Yup you are in purrrfect voice I agree with U~John...Meowww^..^8066371481?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Thanks, Poorness rocking out on Dulcimer fun stuff 

  • Thanks, Dave Ghost Riders is My favorite Cowboy song love playing it 

  • Who says you can't rock on a dulcimer? Seems about right to me. :-)

  • Wonderful James O. Love Ghost Riders. Perfect for your voice and good minor key pluckin. A three pack of rockin dulcimer !

  • Thanks, Uncle John My goal is to show all types of Music can be played on Dulcimer love your Gospel Dulcimer tunes  

  • How about that!  Rocking dulci and western dulci.  Sounds good.  You are in good voice!

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