Robert Johnson inspired riff on the contraband cigar box guitar

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An amazing little riff and rhythm for the back porch blues inspired by Robert Johnson. Please view, subscribe and share on YouTube. You can also follow me on...

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  • Lonman your welcome to guess but I don’t think you’ll get it! Haha, thanks!

  • haha, ya can't show the front of your CB but can you describe it? Thanks for the video, as always very helpful

  • That is a good riff and sound.  I just read a book by Bob Dylan and he was talking about how Robert Johnson was an influence on him, as were quite a few others.  

    Nylon strings!   I think Gitty is selling some guitars with nylon.   Easier for folks to play.   I prefer metal, but those nylons sound good here.

    Good lesson, Kent.  I tried it and could do it and liked it.  But I seem in a blues rut of doing what I do and not integrating new things like I maybe should..  But I like what I do.  And I like what you do. 

  • Very good tutorial Kent. Clear and well played. I like those gut string CBGs. Mellow.

     I have one suggestion. If you marked your fretboard, it would be easier to see what you are playing. Just dots at 3,5,7,9,12 would help us see. Even stick on dots would work.

    thanks for the Robert Johnson riffs.

  • Great Lesson. Thank you for all of them.

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