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Rest in peace M A Shell Oil can 5 string guitar - Samson Co2 mics test"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."Muhammad Ali

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  • 306560769?profile=original He came a long way since Cassius Clay~ I remember when I was just a kid my dad would be off his chair with excitement watching those fights! Boy he loved boxing me to~ just not the same anymore good tribute Buggy! MewMew^..^

  • Timely. RIP

  • Yup!

  • "How can you run from your own legs if your legs are what you're running with?"

  • Cassius Bugg?

  • Muhammad Buggy?

  • Thanks, for this Bug.  Sounding good too.  

    The 'phantom punch.'   Like tiny bugs we have here that we call 'No see em's',

     I think Ali really got into Sonny Liston's head and then was way too fast and elusive for him.  Sonny was a tough, tough man.

  • "People don't realize what they had till it's gone. Like President Kennedy, there was no one like him, the Beatles, and my man Elvis Presley. I was the Elvis of boxing". Muhammad Ali

  • "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." M.A

  • I'm sure there was a brick in his glove.. be barely hits the chap watch the slow motion half way?

    He sure can dance though...

    "The man who has no imagination has no wings."M.A

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