Ring of Fire (on Carver banjo)

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Woo wee! This video caps off my 8 songs in 8 days series. I managed to pull it off somehow and I figured a Johnny Cash cover on the Carver Americana Banjo was the perfect finale. I hope everyone enjoyed the series.

See the Banjo Build Diary playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIixlr7C6KVG1LV-W4W8KxblRgMHnzG5

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  • Thanks for watching Dave. That's terrible news about Berry's home. I'm glad Ring of Fire survived though. It seems fitting.

  • Nicely done Kale. I’ve a story for you. A friend and super musician, Berry Percola, collects record players and guitars and records. He had a tragic house fire. Mostly smoldering as the home was shut up tight. Well when the fire was put out and the damage done, one of his record players had a stack of records on it with Ring of Fire on top of the stack. It was all crinkled but the label remained readable. 

  • Thanks Scotty. I'm not gonna say it's better than JC but I enjoyed playing it.

  • Very cool! Better than the original :)

  • Thanks BrianQ and Doug. I figured Johnny Cash would be a strong finisher.

  • Great to hear the Carver banjo Kale. I like the mellower tone more than that of the traditional banjo. I also like the way you play the riff on Ring of Fire; I’ll have to try it out! It looks easier. Great song to finish the series with! Can’t go wrong with Johnny Cash.
  • You made it!!  :D

  • 9 Days a Week would've been a good closer but it didn't seem to translate well to the banjo. I really wanted to use the banjo for the last song.

  • i figured you end up whit 8 day's a week,  sins there's a 8 in the titel, but you go whit Johnny, the banjo does sound nice on this tune , gone in a yippie, its over before you know it ! a other one on the bucketlist to cross off on to the next project Kale !

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