RIGGA MA ROWL, RIGGA MA Roll/ Lunsford-Sundberg

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James Lunsford & Richard Sundberg original. DMR LPG four string resonator. Film parts from “The Man Who Slept” by Ines Sedan.

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  • Thanks Everyone for the comments , views , and likes Ya'll keep Rigga Ma Rolling now 

  • Thanks Vinnie! David Roth has pissed me off for the last time, Sammy looks to good to be around me, James O better looking, but he rocks!

  • James O ,you have outsexied yerself on this one.Richards rockin crunch gives this a whole Van Haleny feel to it...Good job ,kids.

  • Thank you Jim and StorminSteve! Jim, could have used your fiddle on this! It’s as good as a cold shower in the morning SS ha!

  • I’m learning to use my RIGGA Ma roll, a little rough around the edges. Thanks APG, A. D, we’re certified by seniors who refuse to act like seniors, Wes, I start with good acoustic intentions, but the temptation to plug in is too inviting, Dave it’s art for art sake and 10cc of vodka and a big bopper to boot! James, thank you kindly, always inspired to send you something challenging, you never disappoint! Let you neighbors know I apologize, things must have got pretty loud! Derek, we’re on a ROWL, Danny, another closet rocker, it’s way past corruption of the brain stems Pick ha! Thanks everybody for the views, likes, and comments, hard to beat the group of freinds here at Nation central!
  • Good stuff guys!

  • nice .."RIGGA MA ROWL" sounds like  a Downtown Vinney title .. we are corrupting you indeed ;-} 


  • Good fun collab guys! On a rowl! ;)

  • Thanks Richard for sending Me another great Music track was a lot fun to write to You done a fine job on the video also . The hardest thing for Me is coming up with a good Music track the Lyrics just flow out with the beat Oh Yea !

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