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Views: 106
My son Rich playing another original piece of guitar playing on my home made cigar box guitar......with his son Bo keeping an eye on things ha ha

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  • Thanks guys ..... Mr Melo, AGP I just love making them and my son loves playing them.....

  • :) i likey great wrk...masterpeace

  • "Its Loud!, Crunchy! & Gnarley!" I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Wot?    Yeah, my cam seems to record a bit louder than actual, so I know what you mean.

  • Thanks for comments Uncle John and Jim Morris.....I think Bo is used to it by now his Dad is always playing some instrument every time i go over.....but i think i recorded it a little loud ha ha

  • Good!  Git and playing. 

    Be careful with the little one's hearing.   Don't want to be hard of hearing like me!

  • Sounds great though Bo seems underwhelmed!

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