Redneck Mother ~ with lyrics

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Redneck Mother by Ray Wiley HubbardHe was born in Oklahoma.His wife's name is Betty Lou Thelma Liz.He's not responsible for what he's doing, cause his mother made him what he is.And it's up against the wall, redneck mother.Mother who has raised her son so well.He's 34 and drinkin' in some honky tonk.Kickin' hippies' asses and raisin' hell.He sure does like his Falstaff Beer.He likes to chase it down with that Wild Turkey Liquor.He's got a '57 GMC pickup truck.Got a gun rack and a"A Goat Ropers needs love too" sticker.M is for the mud flaps she gave him for his pickup truckO is for the oil he puts on his hair.T is for T-Bird.H is for Haggard.E is for Eggs.R is for Redneck.

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  • Well, Derek.  It's a confusing old world and sometimes a person just don't know how to act!   True for me anyway.

  • Me too Unc! I walk in both "worlds". ;-)

  • Thanks, Derek.  I was always an in-betweener.   A hippie kinda wanna be and a bit of a redneck.

  • Very entertaining Unc! I just hope none of my hippie friends got hurt.

  • Thanks, Steve!

  • Ha, Nancy.  That's cute as heck and close enough to being Falstaff. 

  • Welcome home, AGP and thanks.   I hope your trip was fun.

  • Different!, but Good! 'UJ', Well Sung & Played, and I did have to Utube Ray Wiley Hubbard to see who he was! :-D

  • Thanks, Brian!

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