Ray & CBG

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Me playing my Cigar Box Guitar. I just recently purchased my CBG, I have had it for a month or a little more. I made the tune, and decided to put here. The name of the song is " The Storm ", did not have a name for it until a very heavy storm came through here where I live in South Texas the other day. This CBG is one half of a set from CB Gitty called Romeo and Juliette. I am using just the guitar for this vid and using a Fender Champion 20 amp on all basic settings and the fender tweed voice emulation.

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  • Thanks everybody

  • This is a great riff Ray. Man, I gotta say that you look like a cross between Stevie Ray and Joe Walsh. You must be a natural!

  • Good Stuff !

  • Thanks Wolf and Uncle John

  • That was good.

  • Good stuff, Ray.   It does have the tension and feel of a storm.  

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