RAGMAN Picker Blues

Views: 174
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Dedicated to those who play the BLUES and Making their own music on there own handmade instruments.

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  • Well Thats great stuff there SlowHand RagPickerman,nice dedication!

  • <p><a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.reverbnation.com/c./a4/10184102/3798815/Artist/3798815/Artist/link"><img alt="Mick%20TheRagPicker%20Mojo" src="http://www.reverbnation.com/c./a3/10184102/3798815/Artist/3798815/Artist/res.gif" border="0" /></a></p>

  • Chilling, thanks Ragman.


  • Thanks Ted..

    Hope we can do some more soon!

    Keep Rock'n that BoxMick

  • Mick, some fine old style blues playing....Excellent job.!!!

  • Thank you James!...Hope to do some more soon!

    The RAGPicker

  • this is great stuff !!!

  • Thanks Steve...means a lot!



  • Thanks to all for listening and watching!


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