Outside the Box

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Steve Cinnamon doesn't smoke cigars and claims he's no skilled guitarist. But he's an admirer and artisan of the cigar box guitar. From A Gulf Coast Journal ...

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  • Wicked!

  • Hey Steve wish you could have been with us today, just had the best, can't call it a meeting as the guys just roll in and out, nobody asks if they are coming next week because they might not come next week, everybody cares but they all know next weeks might be fewer, the old white stripers are from every walk of life and just love to be together.

    Got a (excuse this term as it may mean something different in the USA) bollaking for cherry juice on my T shirt. Derek went home with about four pounds (two kilos'ish).

    Stains? No mention of the moth eaten cloth with holes, never been rich and always been alive!

    Steve mate, had a stroke in 2004 after being made redundant just like you, talked it over with Annette and we thought we could manage OK. Recession took care of that and zero interest on savings it is hard but survivors survive! Bit of a blow when Friday Annette's boss sadly had to tell her she had to take half her wage for the month in tax, a big blow as we don't have much but what the hell, she owes even more? Set up a direct debit for them to take the money out but now they want more??? Latest is they want POTENTIAL tax none payments? Hey mate they won't do us down, still breathing brother. Makes me a bit mad but going to start on a new build, wish me luck, nothing wrong with poor folk.

    306100322?profile=originalNew York city, poverty and a dead horse. Come little children unto me! Life in the slow lane, do we admit this was life a hundred years ago, probably not!!!!!!!!! Never again!!!! Chris, :)   

  • An uplifting story Mr & Mrs 'Steve', thanks for sharing.


  • Sounds like On The Road with Charles Kuralt...does yer wife go around singing "I could be happy / the rest of my life / with a Cinnamon Boy?" Cuz she should. Thanks for sharing this, Steve.
  • Saved by the guitar. You are not alone. Great stuff Steve;-)

  • Really enjoyed this!!!!!

  • Had to watch this twice....good luck Mr Steve...thanks again

  • great video,,,,THANKS FOR POSTING

  • good stuff    ;-)

  • Oh by the way Steve, I am no skilled guitarist either but I do smoke cigars. Good or bad the cigar smoking is my only real vice. Well that and a big ol' steak :-)

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