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One minute of Zep

Views: 117

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  • Thanks Maddog and Derek!

  • Well played, Rick!

  • Yep on the Zep!

  • Yeah, I have 2 micro cubes. They're awesome CBG amps, and you can always find used ones for $50 or less. There is a tab for this on , by the way.

  • I have a Roland Micro Cube as well and for the money, in my view, it cannot be beat..& love the Zep - Kashmir too !

  • Thanks Elio, I'm playing through a Roland Micro Cube with the flanger effect and some reverb.

  • a nice full sound Rick, as you get this effect?

  • Thanks Andries and Erasmo, I just de-piezoed this thing and took the bridge and pickup from another one last night. This is my new baby.

  • Two for the price of one, short but sweet!

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