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Views: 32

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  • Oh the Bear went over the mountain then he strums. Nice gas can Man... er Bear...

  • Quick trip around the mountain! Well played!

  • Did not know they did the "Masked Player"on the Nation ? is that a new feature By Gitty ?  il have a go on this one;    J.D and on Banjo, o i know then it must bee  John Denver!! o no he is dead ,James Dillan, no he dead, Jim Dowie, no he is dead to,  who the heck can it bee?

  • Nice Looking and Sounding  "liO rotoM" Can Build, However the Git Player, could do with a Haircut and a Shave, "Lol"   ;-D

  • Ha, Pick.  That bearly lasted 23 seconds.  Good things in small packages.  Nice play.

  • Too good ,, can't bear to watch . 

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