Obsession a Derek Rose/ Richard Sundberg collaboration

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An original Derek Rose song.

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  • Thanks Rick and everybody. This song was written on this guitar based on that rhythm bit with the chunky sound from the all would stings. It's my broken shovel handle neck, rubber stamp box build. The other sounds are from an Electro-Harmonix pedal that has Mellotron sounds, like symphony and flutes. Used one of my 4 string cbg's for the effects tracks.

  • Thanks AD! All the instruments were played by Derek, cept my Payback. I heard this video of Derek’s  a few weeks back on Facebook, and just liked it a lot and wanted to jam with it. Derek is plain awesome on this. 

  • Thanks Nancy!  The feline crowd , that’s great!  Always appreciate your kindness and inspiration!

  • Great strumming sound on this one Derek! do you have a sax in there? Fine line a stolen heart is found in your posession O i get it it was Richards organ !! a fine collab indeed ! beautiful sound in that box !for a tree string! so full and massif !

  • 4275604627?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Love the split screen really gives this a double treat! Just a wonderful job guy's very cool!! Meowww^..^4275599074?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Thanks James!  This is an original video of Derek’s from some time ago. Hooked me right off, had to jam with it !

  • Thanks AGP! Derek plays the 3 string CBG, and he has some tracks of cool  strings and what sounds like a lead guitar, not real sure. An absolutely great video to garage jam with.

  • Thanks Denbo! Much appreciated!

  • Thanks Danny! Your very close on the insane part ha! Great to see you getting a well deserved music holiday. I hear you won the goat rope and on a skateboard to boot!

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