Taking the Alu Build by BCB for a blues ride, you can hear the alu 4 string sqweel & grind on a bass track whit just a piezo inside , taking care of feedback and the gritty tone Enjoy Greeeettsszz A.D...
Oak leaf Blues BCB 2024
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Thanks for the details Andries! I have built some slide CBGs for one off my customers and, not being a slide player, thought I would ask so I would be better prepared for future builds.
I hear you on the time constraints. Gotta keep the priorities straight, and life goes much better when we do!
Hi doug for set up of my players i tend to use a not to high for easy slide and still be abble to fret the strings for a run, but i do have builds that tend to lean more to the just slide option, my four string builds & boughts are more for chords & runs, the slide seemsto need to keep away from the frets, its a thing about tonation flat surfus strings rattle and high surfus strings give better slide intonation and smoother play thanks for asking Doug hope my answer is what you needed to know ! Greeeettessz A.D. yep still got a load of boxes in stock ,but other work and live keeps me busy whit other stuff ! Thats live doug !cant do what i like all the time got to comform to other peoples needs in my household to !
Did I see cigar boxes on the top shelf Andries?
Just curious; I noticed you were also fretting individual strings in addition to slide playing. Do you use the same action as you would for pure slide playing or lower it to what it would be for no slide playing.
'Thanks for sharing!
It defnitely has that squeal. Aluminum has a very different resonance to it.
still stands the test of time !