Not found. Original song by Cause the Rat.

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Was exploring ideas with a guitar tuned to a full open C. From high e to low e, E, C, G, E, C, E. This song evolved out of that experiment. The guitar. 'Auto...

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  • thanks everyone for the kind words. Still working the bugs out of singing and playing at the same time.
  • Likey much~sensationalcoolness~~~~Meeeeeowwwwww^^306303183?profile=original

  •  Like!

  • Very cool!!! Loved this!!! :>)

  • Wow!   Looking and sounding good.   Good song too.  

  • cool looking guitar and excellent music !!!

  • kewl ;-)


  • Wow awesome! Good to finally see a video from you. Like your style!

  • I really enjoyed that. Nice job!

  • Nice job, Rat! Your playing sounds like Jimmy Page grabbed your fingers and said, " No, love, it's like this..." And I just gotta get me a fringed frogged jacket; wanted one since I saw Paul Revere and the Raiders for the first time back in the day. Kewl vid.
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