Nobody's Fault But Mine on Cheesebox 1 and Tenor Ukulele

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Here's a goof-around cover of the blues classic by Blind Willie Johnson, played on 7 strings. Not a 7 string guitar, but 7 strings TOTAL (4 strings on the tenor uke, and 3 strings on Cheesebox 1). Sound quality is a *little sketchy cause it's recorded on my video camera playing along to myself on my Beats boombox, but I got a nice raw sound, anyway :) I'm singing along, so forgive my voice... it's definitely the weakest instrument on display. Feedback appreciated!!!

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  • Tons of thanks to you guys for the encouragement :)   If you'd like to hear more, check out  (Double CD is now available!!)

  • Good on all, singing was good too. Nice slide.

  • "Ditto" comments by Danny Gordon  :-)

  • great job I would have like the volume a little louder on the cheese box was hard to hear over the uke but overall very good job

  • Nice enough playing - a little too much going on for my taste.  LOVE the vocals.

  • I like it a lot. Good singin. Nice pickin and sliding. I had to turn down my volume to about half though. Too loud for me. But just turned you down.

  • Nice sliding on the Cheezebox! Actually pretty good mix , like your creative ways recording this video!  Nothing wrong with your voice, good cover of this song

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