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I wrote this song on the banjo to change up my normal writing process on guitar. What is a nightmare? Is it real? Does it linger in your head after you are d...

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  • Thank you, Bob! I pray you and your family are safe and getting back to normal down there!

  • I did hear someone screaming in the woods and Ned Beatty was running pretty fast, Pick!

  • Good pickin and after the nightmare of 2020, plus the Arctic Storm here in Texas it was appropriate.

  • Paddle faster .. I hear banjos ..

    Had that nightmare before ;-) 

  • Thank you very much, Kale. I have enjoyed your banjo vids so I know you know how much fun they are and always nice to find a good excuse to get some banjo picking in.

  • Thank you, Doug! I think all the bluegrass I have been listening to and especially the murder ballads are starting to sink in ;)

  • Thank you, Ambrose! Nicely worded comments and much appreciated. The idea and many of the lyrics came easy, but I scratched out enough lines for two more songs to get the last verse right. LOL 

  • This was great Derek. I really liked the banjo vibe.

  • Creative use of a banjo to compose a darker song. Unexpected, yet you made it work very well! Great singing, as usual!!!

  • There are many elements to this song (I think it also doubles as a dark poem too).  Fearful, yet gentle in the way you have composed it, particularly with the use of the banjo.  Clever stuff!

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