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New resonator - comparison with non-reso

Views: 163
My latest build, a mini resonator for the kind donor of much of the wood I have. Also a comparison between a mini-reso and an standard cbg, for those who've always wondered.

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  • Hi Chris 

    Excellent video nice idea .you got some nice builds there.Yes that is your Durham Dads Diddley Bow.


  • Thanks guys for your comments. I'm looking forward to having a go on other people's guitars some day, mine are the only cbg's I've ever played. 

    Our tobacconist seems to specialise in charatan so those are my main boxes, though someone has given me a lovely Romeo y Julieta box that I'm looking forward to using.

  • nice job man.Enjoyable vid.
  • interesting experiment...both sound good!!
  • Very interesting Mr. Science!   I like them both.  The non-reso sounds 'woody' and the reso sounds metallic.  Thanks for the demonstration.
  • you can hear the tin
  • Sounds really good. Very interesting to compare the two.
  • Look like Charatan boxes - they are great fun to work with
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